Game products

Our specialists can provide you with expert advice about our range of game products. Please contact us in good time before the start of the game season to make sure that you will receive the right volumes and cuts from your preferred countries of origin.

Illustration Cuts vom Hirsch | GVFI

What we offer

Hirsch Nierstück ohne Haut | GVFI

Venison Striploin silver skin off

Hirsch Entrecote | GVFI

Venison Striploin silver skin on

Hirsch Filet | GVFI

Venison tenderloin

Hirsch Rack | GVFI

Venison rack

Hirsch Ragout | GVFI

Venison goulash

Hirschschulter ohne Bein | GVFI

Venison shoulder boneless shank off

Wild Schnitzelfleisch 4er Set | GVFI

Venison hind primals 4 cut

Hirsch Geschnetzeltes | GVFI

Venison diced

Reh Entrecôte | GVFI

Roe deer striploin

Reh Keule | GVFI

Roe deer leg

Reh Schulter | GVFI

Roe deer shoulder

Rehrücken mit Bein | GVFI

Roe deer saddle bone in

Reh Schnitzelfleisch 4er Set | GVFI

Roe deer hind primals 4 cut

GVFI, Game products

Damien Wenger
Procurement & Sales

+41 61 264 50 68

Contact us

GVFI, Game products

Robert Scossa
Procurement & Sales

+41 61 264 50 31

Contact us